December 26, 2002
Google of the Future / Do We Really Need the Whole Web?

Paolo wrote a piece titled: Who Needs the Web Anymore?

Now, we all use google only as a way to jump to a specific site and we seldom use the google cache (I use it when a site I'm looking for is unreachable), but still, the cache is there. This means that google can provide us not only the index but also the very content we're searching.


Google could also open their own notification system. How many seconds do you think that would pass between such a service announcement and having it implemented in all major weblogging and content management tools?

If such a system would exisit, making google's cache relly up-to-date, we would not need to connect to the web anymore, accessing google would be enough.

A while back I started a novel which had a throw away line with a similar look on Google in the future.

"Yea, no prob Em. So what's going on out on the wild wild web today?"

"Oh, not much, Google says only 12.945 million pages have been updated today, quite slow, but fridays always are." With the size of the web surpassing 50 billion pages last year it became much more effective for webservers to just ping Google when a page updated than having Google have to crawl the whole thing every couple of months.

What do you seen in the future of Google and the Web?

Posted by adam at December 26, 2002 09:41 PM